Tuesday 2 September 2008

Playlist: Fujiya & Miyagi

Spasms - Little Willie John
Little Willie John was an R&B singer from the 50s who's probably most far-famed for writing Fever, although a circumstances of people know that as Peggy Lee's song. Most of his tunes sounded like Fever, only in a great way, and almost had titles that could fit the theme of this play list (see likewise Suffering with the Blues and I'm Shakin'). I guess it was an easy metaphor for telling about your emotions patch still existence a manly.

Pneumonia - Joe Tex
Tex was an interesting guy. Apparently, he had an ongoing feud with James Brown after his wife ran off with him. I marvel why illnesses were so popular in that field during the 50s and 60s? If they'd carried on, would we finally have songs called Pleurisy?

Crazy - Gnarls Barkley
I pretend this is a dilute for the theme, only it is about mental illness. Actually, he's actually singing about having the world kick downstairs your heart, which is also a stretch, simply kind of works. Anyway, I absolutely love this song. It's no surprise that stacks of popular contemporary artists are returning to the classic soul sound. This record is timeless; had it been recorded at any point over the past 50 years, it would be just as brilliant.

I Can Feel the Pain - Ivy Jo Hunter
Yes, more Motown. If I'm honest, Motown's usually too sugary for me, which is why I prefer Northern Soul. It's a bit tougher. But the way this song has been recorded is what makes it great. These days, you play a riff, then record it on to a electronic computer, copy and paste it over to a file, and that's how innovative records ar made. But back then, people like Ivy Jo Hunter were banging out four to five tunes a day and they had to nail them without rafts of fussing. It brings a certain something to the recording.

Down in the Dumps - Tony Hestor
I in the main love this song because of the title. You get mass of songs about the blues, but this is like something your mammy would enunciate. "Ah, ar you down in the dumps?" The rhythm is actually quite uplifting and there's rather a jolly boat sounding concordance in there too. Hestor does sound genuinely patrician though. Sorry, down in the dumps.

I Don't Need No Doctor - Nick Ashford
He is the Ashford of Ashford and Simpson, celebrated for their 1984 classical Solid (As a Rock). However, this song is different, principally because it's a hide of a Ray Charles song from 1966. Yes, another song from the R&B,/Soul/Motown country, but what can I say? They do the best songs about illnesses and injuries.

Nervous Breakdown - Ronnie Forte
If you know Forte at all, you'll know him through his song That's the Whiskey Talking, but that doesn't fit with the theme. He did one called Nervous Breakdown. You mightiness think I'm choosing these songs because they're obscure and I'm showing turned about knowledgeable obscure, injury-related songs merely that's non it at all.

Fujiya and Miyagi's new album, Lightbulbs, is out now on Full Time Hobby

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